
And the adult superstores shall be as numerous as the stars in the sky.

I just spent a handful of hours northbound on 65 from the wonderfully inclined nashville city. My wife and I spent about four days hanging out at the annual YS national youth workers convention. We hadn't been in a couple of years, but had the chance to spend the time with two incredible women (one R. Furrow and another A. Johnson) who are continuing to listen to and follow God's wonderfully calling on their lives. Together, the four of us were challenged and encouraged in our faith, love, and in the youth ministry at center grove church which God has called us to be partners in. I made a few new friends like Brad from first baptist church in Williamsburg, Kay Why. We sat in on a seminar together, snapped a few photos and prayed for one another before parting ways. He has just finished a year as an interim youth pastor of a group of about twenty kids (jr AND sr high). After a brief conversation, it was evident that God has been blessing their "small" youth group with depth in relationships and transformed lives rather than with numbers...

As I spent the last few days in Nashville, reflecting on our ministry, fuming about our church community, listening to God, to brothers and sisters in Christ, to Dylan... alot of things began to percolate... not only in my mind, but in my heart. I began to see how inward focused I have become lately. I have forgotten my first love. I have stopped trusting my God. I have stopped jumping fearlessly into His arms with wild abandon. And yet, regardless of my own neglect of my soul and of the God who alone can nourish and sustain me, He has not forgotten me. Somehow, in my confusion, and inability to see two steps ahead of my self, I am held by the peace of Christ Jesus. You are my joy You are my joy You are my joy You are my joy.

And so, after miles and miles of billboards citing Scriptures adjacent to adult superstores, I arrive home. Not with answers to all of my questions, but with joy in my heart and a hope in the God who was doing just fine before I came around and who certainly doesn't need me now. And yet he desires me. He delights in me. He invites me to be apart of His story as salvation unfolds and His kingdom comes.


The timeless art of malfunction

Please come out to see me and the boys from rebel robot at Sophia's Portico coffeehouse in the basement of Olive Branch Community Church (corner of 56th and Broadway in Broad Ripple). We'll be sharing songs and musical ambiance to rattle and soothe your soul.

For more info check out www.myspace.com/joelrockeymusic.

See y'all soon!


Unnecessary exhaust

I know I know I know I know I know... It's been a while. Well, it may be little while longer... however,

Hey hermanos...

Just sitting here thinking about how life is going. Something tells me that things are about to shake up... let's try that again. Something tells me that things are about to shake up? Ahh! Much better.

The week has been unnecessarily exhausting. I couldn't necessarily say why. Perhaps the four hours spent driving to and from the Fort of Wayne on Tuesday somehow contributed to the matter. Nevertheless, it was a trip worth taking as Miranda and I surprised her mother on her birthday by showing up for dinner with the rest of the family. I believe her mother got a little misty around the eyes. It was also a joy to see our niece Megan after a few months being apart.

Last night I enjoyed the company of one Andrew Furrow as we cleaned through stuff in my office, discussing literature and speaking back and forth through mobile communication devices. These are surely times to be cherished. Meanwhile, don't you dare miss Andrew, myself and other exciting musicians as we perform at the CGPC Fall Festival this Halloween. Here is an 80 bit rate download of some work-in-progress just for the special few who may care. Enjoy!


Somebody get an organ to play

Time passes... slowly, quickly, away, by, on... these are all relative terms. Time passes, that much we DO know. But I digress.

I recently experienced something I've never experienced before and quite hopefully never will again. That being the wedding of my younger and only brother Jeremy. I also had the first-time experience of being a best man in a wedding. It was an incredible experience being able to stand next to my brother as he and his wife said their vows and as Pastor Greg Glover delivered a message of profound biblical proportions. I may have cried a bit. It cut me deep!

The reception held at the dolphin pavilion at the Indianapolis Zoo was really quite nice. We got to check out the dolphins and bust some fat moves to the phat beats of all your favorite dance party hits! I will tell you that you've never experienced anything quite like a Rockey wedding reception. Needless to say, all were exhausted by the end of the evening. Plus, my retarded tux jacket somehow mysteriously disappeared. I'm looking at a $130 fee on top of the $150 rental fee unless it turns up. I'm currently taking donations.

Recording has FINALLY started on the new album! Tracks for two songs are currently being laid down in the Mustard Room with more on the way. I'm so excited to being getting these songs on record and sharing them with others. I'll have some audio clips available soon.

Keep cool my babies!


Gloria a Dios

 Hey Hey diddle diddle,

I just spent a week in Tulum with an amazing group of Sr High kids, my wife, and some other good friends. It was nothing short of amazing! This was not a mission trip as much as a partnership... I guess really that qualifies as mission and as Christian, I suppose there is a great deal of life that is missional in purpose... Kingdom missional... The mission of love, compassion, peace, justice... Jesus' mission.

Together with our hermanos y hermanas en Jesuscristo, we ate, laughed, played, loved, worshiped, listened, prayed, sang as one. Two cultures brought together by the Maker of all good things to learn from one another and to build bridges of cross-cultural ministry and reconciliation. Spending a week with friends of such depth and hearts the size of Volkswagen buses...

Gloria a Dios!


Not being there

I'm telling you, I surely missed being there (to steal an album title from Jeff Tweedy and Co.) at the Cornerstone festival with the kids from our Sr High youth group. However, my beautiful wife Miranda and I seized the opportunity of an early weekend together to road trip up to Lake Michigan for a couple of days. It was so incredibly delightful and I find no shame in admitting that during our stay in northern Indiana, we did absolutely nothing!

We ate a couple of meals, slept in a Days Inn, watched a couple episodes of Biography on A&E... but mostly all we did was lay around and read on the sand covered beaches cradled between the rolling dunes and the blue-upon-blue water. Miranda and I both wondered why we had never taken the opportunity to get away to Lake Michigan until now. We were both surprised at how beautiful the beaches and the water were. Neither of us remembered them being so from our childhood.

It was, in a word: Super.

By the way, until our little road trip, it has been years since I last listened to Wilco's Being There... I don't know why... I'd gotten so wrapped up in their last two albums, I'd forgotten how brilliant it is. BE THERE!


About the Great Escape

Dear hearts,

I know it's been longer than a fortnight since last we had a chance encounter. But things have been poppin' round these parts! I will proceed to indulge you with a few highlights from recent weeks.

Those who know me know that I have a hearty passion for crafting songs and worship experiences with others. I had the blessed opportunity to partner with several of the Sr High students in our youth ministry two weeks in a row to lead others in praise and worship before God. First, at Center Grove Church and the next week at Olive Branch Community Church in Broad Ripple. Olive Branch was a small intimate congregation, but the worship experience was passionate and challenging. Thanks Andrew, Ryan, Tyler, and Emily for your hearts and willingness to serve. Thanks also to all those who went along with us to Olive Branch; Annie, Gary, Chris, Miranda, Stephen, Kierstin, Rose, Brad, Erin, and her friend whose name escapes me at the moment.

Last week I traveled to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin with nine Jr High students, my wife, and Emily Furrow to The Great Escape. When I reflect on the week, the first word to fall from my lips is still AMAZING. The week is always one of my favorite weeks of the entire year and God always blows my mind and encourages me and challenges me personally every year. This year was particularly exciting because two of our Sr High students, Kip Kyburz and Kaitlyn Salpietro, are serving on Work Crew for two weeks at The Great Escape. It was incredible to be there with them and to witness the ministry they're having with all of the kids who come in to the week of camp. There can surely be no greater joy I know than to see the fruitof spiritual maturity in young people.

By the end of the week, all of the kids had been met by God's grace and left challenged to surrender to loving arms of their Heavenly Father. My buddy Sam asked Jesus into his heart and we all celebrated. It was, again, AMAZING! It's always hard to come home after a week of close-knit community and learning about Jesus together such as that experienced at The Great Escape. However, I am genuinely excited and can't wait to see how these students will continue to be shaped over the next year. One of the most incredible things has been seeing God's heart for ministry grow in these Sr High and college students. And how awesome is it to be reminded by a Jr High student of how captivating and exciting God's Word is!?

Humbling, but truly awesome!

Now, I gotsta get me some sleepy-eye! Good night Suzie Lee wherever you may be.


Listen! Do you smell something?

Smell is one of our chemical senses, the other being taste. They are so called because they sense chemicals, and smells are, of course, chemicals. Our sense of smell is also responsible for about 80% of what we taste. Without our sense of smell, our sense of taste is limited to only five distinct sensations. Conclusively, our sense of smell is arguably one of our most important. Whether for finding food, avoiding predators or choosing a mate, the sense of smell is critical for the existence of almost all creatures. We humans, able to distinguish over 10,000 different odor molecules, utilize our sense of smell for a multitude of activities from enjoying the aroma of freshly brewed coffee to deciding when Junior needs to his diaper changed. In the last 15 years scientists have made great advances to our understanding of how our nose detects odor molecules and our brain processes the resulting information that gives rise to the sensation of smell.

I’m sure you’re wondering by now why a guy who slacked and struggled to earn a C- in his sophomore biology class is giving you a lesson on the workings of the olfactory system… Well, that’s a mighty fine question indeed!

The apostle Paul tells the Church that through us, God brings knowledge of Christ. “Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life” (2Cor.2:14,15). Have you ever really thought about smelling of Jesus? As the Church, our very lives emit an aroma that can be smelled from miles around which reveals far more about us than the exterior facades we build up. James tells us that a robust community living in step with God can only happen when we do the submissive work of treating each other in the Church with dignity and honor. “Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness” (Ja.3:18).

The fragrance we give off correlates directly with how we love one another in the Church. Remember that old gospel hymn “…and they’ll know we are Christians by our love…” When the world catches wind of us, do they smell peace, love, mercy, and compassion or the foul aroma of bitter envy, selfish ambition, and pride? It’s a question we need to take seriously. When we find ourselves in disagreement with one another, do we respond with complaining and gossip? If we are to be the aroma of Christ to those who don’t know Him then we must find ourselves, in humility, on our knees for and coming alongside one another. Only then will we be, to a hopeless world, the sweet smell of salvation.


An open letter to Ward

Dear Mr. Beaumont,

This was a grand weekend indeed! My how I enjoyed spending my Friday partaking in deep-fried sea creatures and fowl. My very good friends Kyle and Josh assisted me in aquiring some paving gravel for our new patio! Work is hard, but often quite rewarding.

Saturday was sure a busy day. With the help of my Mother, Father, and my wife's parents, we laid down many patio stones and built a quadruple-decker garden in the backyard. Things are finally starting to take shape! The times spent with the folks was very lovely indeed. However, my hind-quarters and feet were aching the very next day due to all of the hard work stomping down patio stones and such. Me and my lady friend got ourselves all tidied up to celebrate with a meal at the Texas Roadhouse. Did you know that the Texas Roadhouse originated in Indiana? Can you believe it? I hardly can.

Sunday was a day to remember as well. In the evening times, our Sr High youth group worshiped together and heard a message about identity and being healed by Christ. Following the time of worship, we enjoyed some bad sci-fi B-movies purchased for a quarter each by Randy. That Randy! Always full of surprises! We also got to enjoy the new patio as several of us did some impromptu sing-songing with the help of some neighbors. We capped off an enjoyable evening together with some late dining at the Fazoli's. Do you have Fazoli's where you live?

Well, I must be going. I came to say, 'I cannot stay,' I must be going. That's an inside joke just for you and I. I hope all is well with you and the family. I'll be seeing you!

With warmest regards,



A proverb

"Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track."


Moments in butt-kicking

Good ______________ (Fill in the blank) !

This last week and a half has been mad full of some high octane butt-kicking moments that have really inspired and fired me up. Quite frankly, some things have been said and handled in a way that I personally feel have been done so in a less-than-godly manner. For whatever reason though (perhaps the encouragement and affirming moments which have edified the work I'm involved in) I have been filled with a confidence not in myself, but in the God who I seek to serve with my life. It has forced me to deal head on with the people and the politics which call into question my job--something I have found quite hard to bring myself to do in the past. Why? Because its uncomfortable and its messy... The truth is most people don't want to deal with the uncomfortable and the messy stuff that cannot be seperated from life in this broken, salvation-starved world.

One such moment this week was a conversation I had with someone who I consider a close friend. Someone who I have had the joy of seeing grow into spiritual maturity marked by honest transparency about struggles with their faith and with their life... at least with me. As the two of us had a hard discussion concerning decisions and obedience towards Christ and the Grace of God which covers every unrighteous corner of our lives, our hearts, and our minds, I came to the realization that most of the time the answers to our tough questions and hard decisions are not easy. I don't think they're easily answered and often they are not easy to discern.

Unfortunately, many people (and probably more unfortunately, many Christians) too often want to reduce the complexity of life and the mystery of the Gospel to a pain-numbing bumper sticker answer packaged in pretty paper and shiny bows. The bottom line is that life is hard! Life is hard and we are broken creatures in need of the very rescuing which Jesus offers us through his work on the Cross and through the continuing work of His Holy Spirit in us.

Honestly, sometimes, even as a follower of Jesus Christ, I don't have an answer. My wife and I have been struggling with decisions in our family life for the past two years. We still don't know what God's will for us is or what the "godly decision" is in our longing to start a family. All we have is Christ. All we can do is cling to Him, grow in our knowledge of Him and His love for us, pray, pray, pray, and pray some more. Sometimes we are convicted by the Holy Spirit and we know what to do... sometimes we don't feel anything.

The question we must continually ask ourselves is this: Jesus, what do YOU want me to do? Where do YOU want me to go? The answer is sometimes unclear... other times its as clear a day. But its certainly not always pretty and its definitely not always easy. Yet Jesus holds us through the pain and suffers with us.


Who digs Who

I highly enjoyed Center Grove High School's PRODUCTION (in caps for obvious reasons if you've seen it) of "42nd Street". Mostly I enjoyed cheering on brother Brad Brickley as he lept like a ninja around and atop a 2 foot thick, 5 foot high quarter during the performance of "We're in the Money". It was such a great production for a high school musical that it was almost seemed wrong in some way! Great work kids!

I dig The Who... you oughta too.
"I dig every second / I can laugh in the snow and rain / I get a buzz from being cold and wet / The pleasure seems to balance out the pain...

...but I like every minute of the day"

-Mr. Pete Townshend (blue red and grey)


1 John 4:7-8

"My beloved friends, let us continue to love each other since love comes from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and experiences a relationship with God. The person who refuses to love doesn't know the first thing about God, because God is love--so you can't know him if you don't love."


Good company

Jesus said tenderly, "The Father has given me all these things to do and say. This is a unique Father-Son operation, coming out of Father and Son intimacies and knowledge. No one knows the Son the way the Father does, nor the Father the way the Son does. But I'm not keeping it to myself; I'm ready to go over it line by line with anyone willing to listen.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

{The Message | Matthew 11.27-30}


My space is your space

In other news... I have recently set up a MySpace account as a means to the end of reaching more ears with the sonic audibles. Check 'em out here:: www.myspace.com/joelrockeymusic



Another weekend has come and gone and today I enjoy my Monday by sitting in the Mustard Room, listening to the cars pass by as the scarce birds call back and forth and I sip coffee from my favorite mug... a mug I rescued from the streets of Ball State's campus years ago.

This weekend began with another long long long drive to the mighty Fort... Wayne, that is. My wife and I enjoyed a fine meal of Mexicana with the Horrell family as we celebrated the day of her brother's birth.

Sunday morning I had the opportunity to lead worship at CGPC with several of our Sr High kids. It was truly an amazing experience. Tyler Johnson on drums & percussion, Ryan Helvie on bass, Andrew Furrow and John Shufflebarger on guitar, Brad Brickley on piano and vocals, and Katie Tatlock on vocals. All of the doubts and nerves fell to the wayside as God's Spirit brought us together with the congregation in a beautiful and transformational worship experience! It was an honor and a privilege to be a part of.

Sunday afternoon was amazing on a completely different plain. For the first time ever, I experienced the world of paintball as I joined our Sr High guys small groups for a couple hours of extreme shoot-em-up action at Dark Armies in Indianapolis. For some strange reason, I've always been very hesistant to participate in paintball in the past... maybe the whole being-shot-at-in-the-dark thing just wasn't very appealing to me. But I must say, I had an incredible time. Even after being shot in the bare neck twice, I'd go back again in a heartbeat! However, be prepared to explain that giant hicky to anyone who asks. Mad props to Andrew Furrow for being the last man standing at the end... even after recieving a shot the upper leg that was a little too close for comfort...

Derry down lads!


Midsummer's dust or monkey vomit

Well kids, another weekend is all upons and I'm sendin' a shout out to be heard all across the land of the free and the home of the brave! Holla back if ya dig.

In the wee early hours of the morn, my boys from the Mustard Room and I partook [I'm pretty sure that's not a word] in some fine breakfast fare at one Mickey Dees. As the last to arrive for this exquisite dining experience, I thought it would be a gas to bring along with me the crusty remains of a partially eaten burnt pizza from the previous evening. You see, Mr. T Johnson [I've used only his first initial to protect his identity... In fact, let's just call him Mr. T] is a self-proclaimed Perfect-Pizza-Baking-Timer. He can put a frozen pizza

in the oven and take it out when it has been perfectly and evenly baked inside and out. However, when caught up in the joy of listening to Simon & Garfunkel records and talking of silliness with a few good friends while I try to download a CD burning program with my dial-up AOL connection, one Mr. T loses track of the time... C'est la vie!

Twas not to be, as Mr. T, Mr. Ryan, Mr. Andrew, Miss Morgan, Mrs. Miranda and I were destined to partake in Mickey Dees down the street. We had not even traveled a fort night before we were encountered by Mr. Chris and his bride Mrs. Amy. At our request, they joined us for some fine vittles at the local kill n' grill. A joyous experience was had by all!

Midsummer's Dust or Monkey Vomit... Which will be the name of the newest shade of brown in the Crayola™ family?

love and an elevator,


Rainy days and mondays

Walkin' around, nothin' to do but frown... Rainy days and Mondays always get me down...

I love the song made popular by Richard and Karen Carpenter. I grew up on the Carpenters and as a tribute recorded that very song for my Christmas cd, "Free Duckies for Everyone". However, I must confess... I do enjoy rainy days and Mondays have for the past few years been my day off. So why do I bore my readers with such trivial information... hmmm... Nope! I got nothin'! Sorry.

I've been wrestling with some past sins recently and this weekend and I encountered my Savior in a convicting and redeeming way on Good Friday. I had the opportunity to contribute my art to the prayer service Friday evening at CGPC. I put a video together to accompany a live performance of song I wrote inspired by Psalm 63. As I awaited my "performance" in the balcony, I listened to the last words of Jesus before his final breath on the Cross. After each of Christ's seven last words, a candle from the menorah was extinguished and in response to Pastor Steve declaring, "Lord Jesus - You gave Your life for us," together we all repeated, "You suffered and died that we might be made whole."

I kept meditating on that... "YOU, Lord Jesus, SUFFERED and DIED that I might be MADE WHOLE." Why does my life not reflect that? Jesus took upon Himself the curse for my wrongdoing so that I could be called a child of the Most High God. I moved from contemplating the weight of this truth to worshiping this same Wonderful Maker and Rescuer to Whom alone my allegiance belongs through the words of King David and the craft of my artistic passions... I left some stuff at the Cross that evening... the very stuff for which Christ suffered and I embraced His mercy. I hope that others will find themselves embracing the incomprehensible love of the One to whom our hearts cry out, "Abba, Father!"


Shapes and sizes

A week ago Sunday I had an amazing conversation with a few close friends. We shared vision for the Church and the ministry. I then shared with my brother Ryan the bizarre and wonderfully unpredictable story of how God brought me from high school through college into marriage and adulthood to the exact place I am today... I've had similar conversations with likes of Kyle and others and have been blessed to see how my story has encouraged them as they wrestle with identity and future and purpose... I am where I am today, not because I made all the right choices and planned my future step by step to be at a particular place at this particular time in my life. I reached a point in my life where I realized that to search for all of those things--identity, purpose, life--outside of Christ, who is the very author of my life, was a hollow pursuit. Letting go of all our plans for the future and all our dreams to trust Jesus with them is the beginning of a wild and dangerous ride that sends us up and down through life like a roller coaster, unsure where it will take us next and uncertain when it will end... But man, what a ride!

I read an article in Youthworker magazine yesterday about students and career counseling... something I never had much interest in as a student. Don't get me wrong, I think there is value in seriously considering where God might be calling you in regards to career and ministry, but part of figuring that out is in the shaping and seasoning we experience in those uncertain seasons of life when have no clue of what the future holds and all that we can do is trust Him and His promise that HE does indeed have a plan for us--"plans to take care of you, not to abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." [Jeremiah 29, the Message]

The revelation that popped for me in reading this article went something like this: The most important job that youthworkers have with students is helping them to find their identity in Jesus Christ and to experience, learn, and truly believe that they are a deeply loved child of God... My identity, your identity should not and cannot be found in what we do, but in who we are. And who you are is a deeply loved child of God. Do you believe that?

"Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God--You're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration--what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one day." [Psalm 139, the Message]


An apology and other assorted bits

I must apologize to the kats whom I share breakfast with on Friday mornings. I rented the film "Ray" last night and began watching after Tyler and Ryan left my place... I couldn't stop watching. Jaime Foxx's academy award winning performance as the incomparable Ray Charles was brilliant. Needless to say, it was rather late by the time I got to bed. Therefore, stacked on top of my recent nights of restlessness, I failed to pull myself from my deep slumber this morning.

Good times playing the tunes last night...

Still piecing together words with music...

Praying for my brother Kyle while he's in Honduras...

My brother Jere and I are gonna "Be Cool" tonight...

Galatians awaits...

Get off the computer and spend some time listening to God...



Bambi pun

I tell you, it's pretty bizarre waking up to an inch of snow lightly covering everything outside your window in March. Fort Wayne must be just north enough... The bulk of my weekend was spent there with my wife visiting her family. We enjoyed an evening of fine Italian dining and cake with chocolate icing in celebration of our niece's 1st birthday. I'm quite relieved to report that she did receive from her grandfather the fully restored Walt Disney® masterpiece "Bambi" fresh out of the Disney vault! I'd be remorse if I did not urge you all to hurry and snatch it up from your local DVD retail outlet before it is thrown back into the Disney vault only to be released ten years from now as "Bambi: the Ultimate Collectors Edition". But hey, what's 20 bucks, right? Bucks... Bambi... Get it?

So on the way home, my wife and I were in the mood for some mindless theatrical entertainment and we treated ourselves to a viewing of the new Will Smith vehicle "Hitch". Let me just say this: Will Smith could touch a three day old dirty diaper and turn it into gold! Two thumbs up!

Sunday was a great day... I love spending time with the kids in our youth ministry... We went duckpin bowling in Fountain Square and it was an experience! By the way, if Mr. Randy Klopp is ever coming at you with a four pound ball, do yourself a favor and get the eff out of his way! Seriously. Afterwards, my wife and I had the privilege of spending the evening at the home of our good friends Phil and Debra.

Monday, I spent much of the early day hanging out with my cousin Jason. We had lunch, caught up on our lives, played some music, played some Dig Dug, Pac-Man and other assorted video games from our youth. Good times.

Yesterday, I made dinner for my wife and we enjoyed a evening of grocery shopping at Meijer... I can't imagine enjoying the company of anyone any more than I enjoy with my wife. I love you sweetie.

Good night Harvey Pekar, wherever you are!


Today, Thursday...

Where has this week gone? I beg an answer! Last Saturday, I got to visit Neighborhood Fellowship and Olive Branch Community Church with my wife and several folks from cgpc youth ministries. It was a great day of serving alongside one another and worshiping God. I have to say one more time how proud I am of the work that our kids did! They worked hard and we had such fun. I'm sure Maude would be proud as well.

After having the opportunity to lead worship a few times this weekend, I was invited to play some music at a Bible conference downtown. I shared four original songs including, "Strong Enough", "Offering", "Still", and "Psalm 63". It was great to be able to share these songs with people and to hear about how God used the performance to minister to their hearts.

I've been feeling really wierd lately... kinda out of it... I'm not sure if it has to do with illness or what, but I've had a real hard time sleeping the past two nights.

I'm heading to the Fort with my wife this weekend to visit our niece for her 1st birthday! Happy birthday Megan! Plenty of time on the car ride to listen to some Crowded House! This Finn Brothers concert has made me a junkie...


Thoughts on following

I'm really looking forward to visiting my buddy Phil's church in Broad Ripple on Saturday to help with some renovation and painting. I'm even more excited for him to meet the kids in our youth ministry at CGPC and for them to meet him...

I was browsing the xanga sites of some friends and read a great quote from Daniel Parkins in Relevant magazine shared by my friend Emily:
"I was looking at my situation and was perplexed in my faith because God wasn’t coming through the way I thought He should have. But God wasn’t asking me, “How do you feel about all of this?” He was challenging me, as He did His first disciples, “Come, follow me” (Matthew 4:19). I had forgotten that the greatest adventure and the greatest blessing is being a part of God’s agenda, not mine."
"Follow Me..." We really DO NOT understand that Jesus doesn't ask us to let Him follow us around... "FOLLOW ME." In life, in suffering, in death, in resurrection...
"But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him... I want to know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings..." [Philippians 3]


An evening with the brothers Finn

Wednesday morning... it's been a personally challenging week after making some hard decisions... I've been encouraged as well as challenged by people I love... I'm still not sure... HOWEVER...

As soon as I discovered about a week ago that the brothers Finn--Neil and Tim--were going to be at the Vogue in Broad Ripple, I wanted to seize the opportunity to see these incredible songwriters live. Tim, the eldest of the brothers started the band Split Enz in their native New Zealand in the early Seventies. His younger brother Neil joined the group for a season and later founded the band Crowded House. Probably unlike most fans, I didn't really discover the Finns until I picked up their 1996 "solo" project Finn. I was immediately drawn to the songs. They seemed at once beautifully makeshift and brilliant. Thus began my exploration into the discography of the Finn Brothers.

In the Fall of 2004, the Finns released the beautiful collaboration Everyone Is Here. As I had hoped to do, I took the opportunity to see them live at the Vogue last night and it may indeed have been the most incredibly enjoyable live music experience I have ever had. The music was wonderful... The boys' banter with one another and the intimate crowd was warm and hilarious. They performed several songs from the new album as well as some their work from the Split Enz & Crowded House days such as "World Where You Live", "It's Only Natural", "Six Months in a Leaky Boat" and "What's the Matter with You". My wife who is a 6th grade teacher was quite tired through much of the show. I'm so glad that she joined me though and that we both got to see and hear the Finn Brothers perform an brilliant live set and an outstanding encore!


Well, well, well...

Work has begun in the renovation process in the place that we at cgpc are referring affectionately as "the Attic". It's been a long time a-comin' and last night, our Jr High ministry team began the purging process by throwing out over half of the nasty couches and chairs. Tyler and Kip literally threw a couple broken recliners down the stairs. It was quite a spectacle to be sure! Renee and Rose found some costume apparel for spirit points day at the Great Escape this summer. The "green" room has nothing on the floor now but the air-hockey table! It's unbelievable! Carpets are getting cleaned on Friday. I won't spoil the surprise of what's in store.

I'm ready to start recording for this next project [what once was to be known as maquette]. I am now tentatively calling it Not What She Used to Be... It's quite possible that could change within the next couple of days. Jason and I have been meeting and writing and playing... I've been talking to Bob and we're gonna get together soon to work up some stuff... and I'm ready to try some of the new stuff out soon...

I am sad to say that my favorite coffee mug which was purchased at Goodwill only last October--the same one featured in the profile photo to your left--recently had to be put to sleep. His handle apparently wasn't doing well and it just fell off while being pulled from the cabinet one day. None of us saw it coming. He wasn't with us very long but judging by his aesthetic features, he lived a full long life. Let's all raise a hot brew for our defunct friend! We barely knew ye!


Don't feed the baby strollers

Peep this my scalawags,

It was quite an interesting weekend once again. At first seemingly ordinary yet delightfully lovely. My brother-in-law and his wife were in town for a wedding in downtown Indy and my wife and I had the opportunity to babysit our 1-year-old niece during the rehearsal dinner on Friday evening. She is ridiculously cute... no, no, seriously. She looks like a Muppet baby version of my brother-in-law... which may or may not have clarified things for you.

My wife and I wheeled her around in her stroller at Circle Center mall for a few hours. We got to experience feeding a baby an olive-green pudding-like substance refered to on the label as Vegetable Medley with Pasta! It took all the will-power within me to keep from grabbing her jarred dinner and making a run for the Banana Republic to lose myself in euphoria! I withheld. However, while visiting Bath & Body Works [one my wife's favorite places to be] I nearly lost my niece to her collapsable stroller. Here's a hint for all you stroller manufacturers out there: Try putting the collapsing lever somewhere other than THE STROLLER HANDLE! Maybe it's my own fault for being the curious little monkey that I am, but if it weren't for the combination of encouragement of my apathetic on-lookers and sheer alligator-wrestling brute strenth, my dear young niece may not have been with us today.

I also got my Epiphone back from Guitarworks after being in the shop for a couple of weeks. It sounds rather acousticky and capoish... indeed. I am looking forward to recording some of the new songs I've been scribing recently.

Love and Lollipops,


A wiseman once told me

Good morning, depending on whether indeed in is morning or not when and wherever you are. It's Thursday and the seemingly eternal sinus infection which plagues me all of my days is growing into its full maturity. As the seasons change, so must we all...

It has now almost been a full week since our youth ministry's Sr High retreat at Pyoca but, I simply cannot slip through without commenting on the experience. This was arguably the best weekend retreat we have done in my almost-three-year tenure at CGPC. As God has been working on my own heart in a lot of hard, uncomfortable places recently, I found this weekend retreat to be a humble affirmation of my place in this ministry which He has called my wife and I to during this season of our life. I found it in the relationships, the discipleship, the community of worship and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.

Just as I pray that our teens and adult leaders alike wrestle with and explore the possibilities of their spiritual gifts, talents, values, personalities, and how God has uniquely made them, so do I continue to grow in my understanding of how and why I've been made. His Glory. That's the bottom line. Not to us, but to His name be the glory.

Well, just as I couldn't let that slip by, it is also imperative that I also let anyone who care to hear know this as well:: Thomas Wiseman is the Roller Skating King! Argue with me if you will, but you must know that it's futile. Keep on rollin' T-Shades!

Peace, love, and pancakes,


Intruder alert

The love, grace, and mercy of Christ invades us in a way that demands more than a portion of our attention. The God who loves us so perfectly and completely with unmerited favor deserves the attention of our entire being [heart + soul + mind + strength]. His perfect righteousness, perfect justice, and perfect love inspire the worship of our lives, not one day a week, not only in our grand endeavors which are seen, but also in the smallest details of our ordinary existance. He is, was and will continue to be our loving Redeemer who has rescued us from death and slavery into life where we are called His beloved, His sons and daughters, His heirs. How can we who are hopelessly broken be capable of such love and worship? Christ is the answer... Only by the intrusion of this Wonderful Lover into our broken and contrite souls can we begin to respond with our lives in worship to the One who deserves nothing less.

"Let the words of Christ, in all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise. Use His words to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thanksul hearts. And whatever you do or say, let it be as a representative of the Lord Jesus, all the while giving thanks through Him to God the Father." -Colossians 4:16-17


Tuesday morning

It's Tuesday morning and I've got about 4 and a half days until the Sr High Winter Retreat. Though there's much to be done before we leave on Friday evening, I'm really excited about the group we've got going down to Pyoca this year...

I've been so encouraged through the fellowship of several of my brothers in Christ this past week. As I spoke with Kyle yesterday afternoon, we both marveled at the idea of the revealing of God's mysterious plan for our lives does not end once you've reached the age of 28. As we both wrestle with our futures in very different seasons in our lives, I think we're able to pray for each other understanding our mutual sense of confusion as we step into the unknown having to trust fully in Christ with where he may be leading. I was able to have similar conversations recently with my good friends Josh, Phil, and Nick. These are other men in my life who challenge me to be honest and real about my brokenness. Their very friendship sharpens me like iron and presses my disobedient heart towards Jesus. I am so thankful for these brothers in Christ.

I love Jesus for how He loves me and loves me and loves me when I'm so dispicably unlovable.

May His unceasing love and mercy find you wherever you are at today!


Phil not Phil, etc.

The clock on my computer claims 10:01am, but I'm a little skeptical... For you see, this clock tends to lose track of the time quite often, but I digress...

I had lunch yesterday afternoon with my great friend and mentor and brother in Christ, Phil Jackson. For those of you scratching your proverbial head asking "Phil Jackson? Famed NBA championship coach several times over and Zen guru Phil Jackson?"... I'll let you ponder long and hard on that one.

Wrote a new song last night inspired by recent emotional and spiritual bouts... Enjoyed a homemade calzone made by my beautiful wife [Thanks for the GT Xpress 101 Mom!] and the company of some of our Sr High students at Center Grove Church [Tyler, Brad, Nicole, and Ty]. I poured myself a dark cup of decaf and listened to Brad and Tyler jam in the Mustard Room before watching a brand new episode of ER with a gun in it... Promos claimed America would be talking about this one. Well, America, are you talking?

Tonight we set a course for Lafayette to be musically and mentally challenged by the beat-driven, spiritually minded stylings of Josh Garrels!

Peace of Christ!


Haps in hipness

Greetings lost web travelers! I can't begin to imagine how you stumbled upon this weblog. Or is it simply 'blog'? I'm not quite as "hip" to the lingo as I'd like to let on... Nevertheless, I shall continue to share with y'all the haps and so forth as they indeed hap. Just a reminder, a new Joan of Arcadia is on tomorrow with guest star Hilary Duff! I am looking for extra VCRs which I can program just to be absolutely sure I don't miss it [I have yet to capture this elusive television genie known mysteriously as TIVO]... So anyone willing to lend a poor twenty-something male a spare VCR for an evening to guarantee his viewing enjoyment would be generously rewarded, I'm sure!

I'll be groovin' to the live sounds of Mr. Josh Garrels at Purdue University this Friday... I hope to see you there! Peace of Christ! Seacrest out!