
Five (hundred)

"The Triplets on Their Fifth Birthday"
by Baby Jane (ink and crayon)

Many many many years ago, i set out to make some sort of interweb presence what would serve as a platform for thoughts and observations to be shared with someone and no one in particular. 

Mission accomplished, right? 

In this little corner of the blogosphere, i've shared revelations, posted farewell letters, hosted podcasts, sung the praises of peanut butter toast, bragged about friends, announced new projects and babies, remembered loved ones who have passed on to the other side of death, rambled on about music we love (maybe most notably young mc), recounted travel adventures, introduced the magic of pingu, failed at properly labeling posts, constructed mixtapes, and peeked into sketchbooks

It's been a weird thing - this web blawgh thing. At times, i've felt an inexplicable obligation to post crap on here; at other times, i've stumbled upon something that clearly must be shared with the universe. Why? Who can say for sure? I do know that the very few of you who actually follow what we've got going on over here have kept me doing this five hundred times. So raise a glass/mug/carrot to you and let's see if we've got five hundred more left in us. Cheers.


Sleep (or the lack thereof)

Baby jane loves her books. Baby jane can't read yet. That doesn't stop baby jane from reading all day long. Baby jane reads until she falls asleep with her face buried deep in a book (often about fairies).

Meanwhile, daddy gets less-than-adequate sleep. Daddy also allows himself to get deeply invested in emotionally draining situations that lead to major life transitions. What will daddy do now? Stay tuned to find out.


Special delivery

Pinball-inspired artwork included in a package sent to a friend. Let its majesty wash over you like a barrel of the sweetest wildflower honey. Now go have a cold beer. You deserve it, slugger.


Chai me a river

Here's an art project created in collaboration with kip during another rainless afternoon.


Return to base

We had the wonderful opportunity to once again share a tent with our friends juli and dan (CORDINATED) at the INDIEANA HANDICRAFT EXCHANGE last saturday. We talked about laser bases, recited whitney houston lyrics, and made many a dead president smile. Mostly, we laughed a whole lot and met some really rad folks while selling our stuffs along 16th street in sunny downtown indianapolis. Here's a peek at some behind-the-scenes drawrings:

Leave it to beaver.

Face the wave (or Plankton chops)

Pants less(on)

Nickel and dime (We'll call him rodney - named after the old painter i met while setting up. He showed me a bag full of store-bought toys he planned on selling to passersby while telling me "you gotta nickel and dime 'em wherever you can.") Here's to you, rodney.

Before we go, that new installment of GIDDY UP is now ready. You can get it HERE or just give me a holler. Things are getting weird.


Handi, man

Hey you. Yes, i'm addressing you. Would you like to walk around and look at rad art while enjoying some live music and local fare. Of course you would. Well then, my friend, find yourself at the indiana handicraft exchange / independent music + arts festival tomorrow. Please do stop by the tent i'll be sharing with cordinated. Follow the link and check the deets, y'all.

Let's all meet up and shake hands.


Drawing nigh

So, just about a year ago, this happened. Now, at long last, the follow-up is arriving this saturday at the indiana handicraft exchange. Why don't you just go ahead and stop by the tent we're sharing with the lovely folks of cordinated and pick up a copy or two. Also, we'll have plenty of the mustard room t-shirts and such for sale. All aboard.