
About the Great Escape

Dear hearts,

I know it's been longer than a fortnight since last we had a chance encounter. But things have been poppin' round these parts! I will proceed to indulge you with a few highlights from recent weeks.

Those who know me know that I have a hearty passion for crafting songs and worship experiences with others. I had the blessed opportunity to partner with several of the Sr High students in our youth ministry two weeks in a row to lead others in praise and worship before God. First, at Center Grove Church and the next week at Olive Branch Community Church in Broad Ripple. Olive Branch was a small intimate congregation, but the worship experience was passionate and challenging. Thanks Andrew, Ryan, Tyler, and Emily for your hearts and willingness to serve. Thanks also to all those who went along with us to Olive Branch; Annie, Gary, Chris, Miranda, Stephen, Kierstin, Rose, Brad, Erin, and her friend whose name escapes me at the moment.

Last week I traveled to Lake Geneva, Wisconsin with nine Jr High students, my wife, and Emily Furrow to The Great Escape. When I reflect on the week, the first word to fall from my lips is still AMAZING. The week is always one of my favorite weeks of the entire year and God always blows my mind and encourages me and challenges me personally every year. This year was particularly exciting because two of our Sr High students, Kip Kyburz and Kaitlyn Salpietro, are serving on Work Crew for two weeks at The Great Escape. It was incredible to be there with them and to witness the ministry they're having with all of the kids who come in to the week of camp. There can surely be no greater joy I know than to see the fruitof spiritual maturity in young people.

By the end of the week, all of the kids had been met by God's grace and left challenged to surrender to loving arms of their Heavenly Father. My buddy Sam asked Jesus into his heart and we all celebrated. It was, again, AMAZING! It's always hard to come home after a week of close-knit community and learning about Jesus together such as that experienced at The Great Escape. However, I am genuinely excited and can't wait to see how these students will continue to be shaped over the next year. One of the most incredible things has been seeing God's heart for ministry grow in these Sr High and college students. And how awesome is it to be reminded by a Jr High student of how captivating and exciting God's Word is!?

Humbling, but truly awesome!

Now, I gotsta get me some sleepy-eye! Good night Suzie Lee wherever you may be.