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Sometimes, you reach in to the magic cauldron of the morning paper, accompanied by nothing more than a pen and a styrofoam cup of coffee, and you receive a special gift.

Everybody wins.

Just tell me what it is that you want

“I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.” -Walt Whitman

Several week ago, i made a drawing of a blase feline accompanied by the word “Yawp”. I immediately posted a photo of the drawing to ye olde book of faces asking who might be interested in trading currency for a snuggly t-shirt featuring this untamed beast. Apparently, i wasn’t alone in finding humor in the juxtaposition of a domesticated animal and this word of wild abandon from Whitman’s famous poem. The response pushed the project forward and forward it went.

Not only did i print a short run of t-shirts, but also a few handsome totes that are perfect for carrying around big fat records, books, and so forth to and fro. Everything can be found – in limited numbers, mind you – in my ONLINE SHOPPE.

Asking friends to participate in the decision-making process for this little project was super rad and i hope to do it again soon. Thanks to everyone who gave their input and to all those who continued to bear with me whilst my tendency to procrastinate kept these shirts from being printed for far too long.


Designs for sale

Baby Jane's getting into the family business. There needs to be no explanation when you consider that she's creating work far superior to that of her old man.

This guy is her version of something that i was working on. I know. It's so totally rad and much more interesting to look at than the original. I don't even want to do a side by side comparison. Her drawing is that much better.

This is what happens when you show up two minutes late to give a proposal at a meeting and you realize that you're really about fifteen minutes early. I think it's the logo for a new campaign to promote letting go... 
or grabbing hold... 
or both.


Handmade rainbow spray

These days, as previously mentioned, there has been a bit of drawing going on around here. Meanwhile, i've been excavating the corners of closets and garages to collect piles of scraps of unused fine and not as fine papers that date back to the late twentieth century. I've made it a personal mission to leave no piece of paper unrepurposed. There are even a few armfuls of unclaimed pieces of wood begging to become transformed in some manner. Soon these piles of papers will become piles of drawings calling into question their own destiny. Heavy, bros.


Recreational renditions

Presently, we are making attempts at moving beyond the medium of composition book & ball point pen to a slightly more stately presentation of things and people and such. Unfortunately, i often get a little too precious when using costlier means to produce images. I'm often left longing to recapture something as fantastic as this drawing of the doctor sticking his tongue out at me whilst perched atop a high chair at a local pizza joint.

I've had a variety of ideas for not-so-actual books. Then i drew this book as a tribute to my friends in Pearl and the Beard. This could be the template for something. I shall put a pin in that. Until then, enjoy this collaboration i did with a sprightly young gal named hannah...

Go get 'em, kids.