
Not being there

I'm telling you, I surely missed being there (to steal an album title from Jeff Tweedy and Co.) at the Cornerstone festival with the kids from our Sr High youth group. However, my beautiful wife Miranda and I seized the opportunity of an early weekend together to road trip up to Lake Michigan for a couple of days. It was so incredibly delightful and I find no shame in admitting that during our stay in northern Indiana, we did absolutely nothing!

We ate a couple of meals, slept in a Days Inn, watched a couple episodes of Biography on A&E... but mostly all we did was lay around and read on the sand covered beaches cradled between the rolling dunes and the blue-upon-blue water. Miranda and I both wondered why we had never taken the opportunity to get away to Lake Michigan until now. We were both surprised at how beautiful the beaches and the water were. Neither of us remembered them being so from our childhood.

It was, in a word: Super.

By the way, until our little road trip, it has been years since I last listened to Wilco's Being There... I don't know why... I'd gotten so wrapped up in their last two albums, I'd forgotten how brilliant it is. BE THERE!