
I call him dad

Do i blog about my pops enough? That's a ridiculous question. Of course i don't blog about my pops enough. I should blog about my pops some more. He's kind of a hero of mine. Don't tell him i said that though. I don't want things to be weird between the two of us. Take a look at that picture of him holding his grandson like a pro. Clearly, this is a guy who's no stranger to holding a baby.

Do you wanna know what else he's not a stranger to? Being rad. Oh yeah, and being ordained as a teaching elder, minister of the word and sacrament, and installed as associate pastor at southminster presbyterian church.

Anyhow, i'm super proud of my old man. So when he asked me if i would perform a song at his ordination ceremony, i was more than a little bit honoured by the invitation. Per his request, i revisited the interpretation of psalm 63 that i composed many moons ago. Here is that psalm as performed at my father's ordination on sunday, august 14...

Psalm 63 - 8-14-11


All this and blueberry pancakes

We had us a mighty fine week full of tiny visitors from near and far. For the first time in baby jane's three years, we got to celebrate her birthday with the cousins from the pacific northwest. We call them robbie and kayleigh. We spent a great deal of time running laps through gramma connie's house and being schooled on the history of lego via a first-grader.

Our tomato garden was attacked by giant mutant caterpillars who almost made baby jane their dessert. Little did they know that they were being lured to their exit.

This little guy wandered far from home and found himself knocking on our garage door for assistance. Our animal rescue unit sprang into action and gave him a wet albeit non-private room where he could recuperate. Soon after, baby jane and i returned him to his natural habitat - the retention pond behind the vacant mexican restaurant.

Baby jane and her pal trotted off, hand in hand, to their first session of ballet class. It was a raging success full of pseudo-plies and dizzying spins. Despite baby jane's concerns with having a teacher in the class with her, she warmed to the young ladies leading from up front enough to not split early.

Finally, on the morning of august 23rd, baby jane officially transformed into a three-year-old. How else do you celebrate if not by sticking a giant 3 into a short stack of blueberry pancakes and lighting it on fire?

Say what you will about us rockeys, but you can't say we don't know how to party.


I've been literally banging my head against the wall trying to find the right combination of thisses and thatsies to capture the sounds for this current batch of sing songs. Recording is oft a hodgepodge effort which produces a varying degree of listenable and unlistenable output alike. After days and weeks of playing and recording onto laptops and digital devices and magnetic tape, i have married together all these into a wired monstrosity which sort of looks like this:

And so, recording moves forward...

For now.

However, in the end it will all go horribly wrong after fire and pitchforks bring judgment down upon my glorious monster. This, as we all know, is how the story goes.


Blues runs the game

Dear people who may or may not frequent this blaugh (i will spell however i please, thank you very much), I'm terribly sorry for being such a stranger. I'll try harder next time. In the meanwhilst, please enjoy the latest installment of your favorite series of 39 second instructional videos.


An aural supplement, episode 16

Running Time: 58:00 | File Size 54 MB
Download: .mp3
To subscribe to this podcast:http://feeds.feedburner.com/ARockeyHomeCompanion

The future jamz start now. Wrap your talons around another hour of sweet sonic goodness and bickering amongst olde fiends. Will our host be thrown out the window during this less-than-epic bout or will he remain unfazed? Regardless of the way it goes, one thing is clear; He's the man who loves you. Think about it.

1. Wilco “I'm The Man Who Loves You”
2. Ryan Adams "Dear Candy"
3. Fleetwood Mac "Think About It"
4. Lowercase Sunshine "San Jose"
5. The Kills "Future Starts Now"
6. Violent Femmes "Out the Window"
7. Ben Harper & The Relentless7 "Boots Like These"
8. Wilco "I Might"
9. Dolorean "The Unfazed"
10. Lost Revelers "Without You"
11. The Kinks "Starstruck"
12. Elvis Costello "Veronica (demo)"
13. Bowerbirds "In Our Talons"
14. The Band "We Can Talk About It"
15. Cat Stevens "Tea for the Tillerman"
16. Gillian Welch "The Way It Goes"
17. Sandra McCracken & Derek Webb "We Will Never Have Tonight Again"


Dog star

This dude's got a real spuds mckenzie vibe going on. I believe he's waving the white flag of stardom. I uncovered this guy from a big box of prints and drawings dating back to over a decade ago. I think i scratched this guy whilst on a smoke break during my brief stint as a framer years ago. Check out those yellow teeth. Looks like he could've used a smoke break.


One louder

Eleven years ago today i sat and pondered the next eleven years of my life with Mama Jane. Here's to just getting started.


Crucial, I think I wantcha

Ooooooh. So hott. Maybe we should print more and more and more and more and more of things gorgeous mamas. Oh yes, we mos def should. Rawr.


Hair by olivia

Mama jane sees a leaf, but i see a fairly accurate, slightly more balding likeness of dad's hair. Perhaps this may just be an illustrated prophecy of things to come.