
An open letter to Ward

Dear Mr. Beaumont,

This was a grand weekend indeed! My how I enjoyed spending my Friday partaking in deep-fried sea creatures and fowl. My very good friends Kyle and Josh assisted me in aquiring some paving gravel for our new patio! Work is hard, but often quite rewarding.

Saturday was sure a busy day. With the help of my Mother, Father, and my wife's parents, we laid down many patio stones and built a quadruple-decker garden in the backyard. Things are finally starting to take shape! The times spent with the folks was very lovely indeed. However, my hind-quarters and feet were aching the very next day due to all of the hard work stomping down patio stones and such. Me and my lady friend got ourselves all tidied up to celebrate with a meal at the Texas Roadhouse. Did you know that the Texas Roadhouse originated in Indiana? Can you believe it? I hardly can.

Sunday was a day to remember as well. In the evening times, our Sr High youth group worshiped together and heard a message about identity and being healed by Christ. Following the time of worship, we enjoyed some bad sci-fi B-movies purchased for a quarter each by Randy. That Randy! Always full of surprises! We also got to enjoy the new patio as several of us did some impromptu sing-songing with the help of some neighbors. We capped off an enjoyable evening together with some late dining at the Fazoli's. Do you have Fazoli's where you live?

Well, I must be going. I came to say, 'I cannot stay,' I must be going. That's an inside joke just for you and I. I hope all is well with you and the family. I'll be seeing you!

With warmest regards,
