
Poetic justice

Only in it for the money

People of earth, there are a limited number of these t-shirts now available for fifteen bones at my ONLINE SHOPPE. They're both super soft and make mighty bold statements that need to be shared with the people of our common planet. 

Next on the docket: this dude... 

He's coming to a tee shirt near some.

You know who you are.


Pretzel logic

Are you seized by mysterious, uncontrollable weeping? A pensive pompadoured man casually holding a cigarette is waiting to take your call. He wants to tell you to shut up and quit being a baby about it. Operators are standing by.


Drinking and drawing

As of late, i've been spending a great deal of time listening to records while uncomfortably hunched over paper, ink, brushes, and pens strewn about the floor. It's been quite some time since giving so much time to these raw materials and it feels pretty nice. This dude's been listening to way more scott walker than he can handle, but he's also just one of those super emotional woodsmen who's been in from the cold far too long. Don't weep for him, ladies; he's gonna come out the other side of this with some real perspective and a little bit of fight in his spirit.


Don't tell a soul

There are faces of various shapes and sizes slowing emerging in the darkened hours of the day.

They are summoned by the likes of these fellows.


Self awareness week

I think i may co-opt Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith's self-description for all current and future social media profiles. 

I want to write, direct, and perform in a lame, one-man musical that serves as a front to one big pity party.

Believe in yourself. If that doesn't work: Believe in your hands. If you don't have hands: I'm sorry.