
Haps in hipness

Greetings lost web travelers! I can't begin to imagine how you stumbled upon this weblog. Or is it simply 'blog'? I'm not quite as "hip" to the lingo as I'd like to let on... Nevertheless, I shall continue to share with y'all the haps and so forth as they indeed hap. Just a reminder, a new Joan of Arcadia is on tomorrow with guest star Hilary Duff! I am looking for extra VCRs which I can program just to be absolutely sure I don't miss it [I have yet to capture this elusive television genie known mysteriously as TIVO]... So anyone willing to lend a poor twenty-something male a spare VCR for an evening to guarantee his viewing enjoyment would be generously rewarded, I'm sure!

I'll be groovin' to the live sounds of Mr. Josh Garrels at Purdue University this Friday... I hope to see you there! Peace of Christ! Seacrest out!