
Bambi pun

I tell you, it's pretty bizarre waking up to an inch of snow lightly covering everything outside your window in March. Fort Wayne must be just north enough... The bulk of my weekend was spent there with my wife visiting her family. We enjoyed an evening of fine Italian dining and cake with chocolate icing in celebration of our niece's 1st birthday. I'm quite relieved to report that she did receive from her grandfather the fully restored Walt Disney® masterpiece "Bambi" fresh out of the Disney vault! I'd be remorse if I did not urge you all to hurry and snatch it up from your local DVD retail outlet before it is thrown back into the Disney vault only to be released ten years from now as "Bambi: the Ultimate Collectors Edition". But hey, what's 20 bucks, right? Bucks... Bambi... Get it?

So on the way home, my wife and I were in the mood for some mindless theatrical entertainment and we treated ourselves to a viewing of the new Will Smith vehicle "Hitch". Let me just say this: Will Smith could touch a three day old dirty diaper and turn it into gold! Two thumbs up!

Sunday was a great day... I love spending time with the kids in our youth ministry... We went duckpin bowling in Fountain Square and it was an experience! By the way, if Mr. Randy Klopp is ever coming at you with a four pound ball, do yourself a favor and get the eff out of his way! Seriously. Afterwards, my wife and I had the privilege of spending the evening at the home of our good friends Phil and Debra.

Monday, I spent much of the early day hanging out with my cousin Jason. We had lunch, caught up on our lives, played some music, played some Dig Dug, Pac-Man and other assorted video games from our youth. Good times.

Yesterday, I made dinner for my wife and we enjoyed a evening of grocery shopping at Meijer... I can't imagine enjoying the company of anyone any more than I enjoy with my wife. I love you sweetie.

Good night Harvey Pekar, wherever you are!