
Livin the dream

Wow. What a week. Or two. To be quite honest, i seem to have lost all concept of time and space. The time loss has been made evident in the fact that i was almost certain that four hours had passed in what my wife informed me was actually closer to one and a half hours. The space loss refers more to that of the entire ground level of our home which has become overrun with projects taken on by the mustard room. Working and dining have become indistinguishable. They now exist as one singular entity. What does science say on the matter? Do not tell me for i fear that theories would cause my face to collapse, and this would be a travesty to my new haircut.

So there's all that. Also, as is the annual routine, our lawn mower stopped working. Our lovely neighbors next door were away, and my inability to operate the key pad to their garage door forced me to break in to the home of our good friends just down the road. After hoisting their mower into the trunk of my granny mobile, i chased a long day of work with a hot stroll across every square inch of our lawn while my daughter painted trees with water. Upon completing this heroic task, i hoped to immediately return the stolen mower to the scene of the crime. I proceeded to squat uncomfortably next to the oily machine and awkwardly wrap my arms around the base in an attempt to heave it back into my vehicle's barely adequate trunk. Did i happen to mention that this was right after finishing the job while the engine was still hot as rocky mountain oysters? Oh, well it was. I don't know the degree of the burn on the inside of my left forearm, but it looks as if a zombie gave me a hickey.

All in all, it's been an eventful few days. I haven't even mentioned how i spent a whole day working on projects for cgpc. Wait a sec, isn't that the place where you got fired five years ago and had your heart ripped out and handed to you on a communion platter. Oh, hyperbole, how i love you so. Anyhoozit, we completed printing the 200+ t-shirts we had taken on for their vbs, and i spent the remainder of the day surrounded by ladies while editing videos. Jealous? Did i mention there was complimentary kung pow chicken involved? It's called "livin' the dream". Deal with it.

Last, but not loveliest, baby jane got sick and hurled twice after spending the day at the kamikaze pizza emporium while informing us several times that her tummy hurt. Woops. She pretty much chilled on the couch for the next 24 hours watching documentaries on oceanic life and cuddling with her mama & papa & baby brother & puke towel.

See you on saturday. Wink.