
Five (hundred)

"The Triplets on Their Fifth Birthday"
by Baby Jane (ink and crayon)

Many many many years ago, i set out to make some sort of interweb presence what would serve as a platform for thoughts and observations to be shared with someone and no one in particular. 

Mission accomplished, right? 

In this little corner of the blogosphere, i've shared revelations, posted farewell letters, hosted podcasts, sung the praises of peanut butter toast, bragged about friends, announced new projects and babies, remembered loved ones who have passed on to the other side of death, rambled on about music we love (maybe most notably young mc), recounted travel adventures, introduced the magic of pingu, failed at properly labeling posts, constructed mixtapes, and peeked into sketchbooks

It's been a weird thing - this web blawgh thing. At times, i've felt an inexplicable obligation to post crap on here; at other times, i've stumbled upon something that clearly must be shared with the universe. Why? Who can say for sure? I do know that the very few of you who actually follow what we've got going on over here have kept me doing this five hundred times. So raise a glass/mug/carrot to you and let's see if we've got five hundred more left in us. Cheers.