
This is huge

What this gal is wearing around her neck are ceremonial poop-beads. One might probably assume that such a name would indicate the raw material used in crafting the pieces in question. However, in this particular case, these beads are worn during a celebratory dance around her living room after the performance of a bowel evacuation upon the throne of porcelain found in the family wash room. Not every resident of the rockey home receives such fanfare after taking the kids to the pool. No no. This kind of hullabaloo is reserved for one tenant only. This monumental occasion marks the end of a very brief season of changing the diapers of multiple tiny folk. Hoorah.

Following the first official poop in the pot, an observation was made by the perpetrator (or 'poop-etrator' as it were) which likened the product to a deuce of brown bananas.