
Ghetto scanner

Ask m'lady and she'll tell you; I'm not often quick to turn down an opportunity to take on tasks which i may or may not have the ability to follow through on. These are the times when years of training in the art of creative problem solving produce magnificent results. For instance, when i promise a friend's mother that i have the resources and capability to transfer photographic slides to digital image files for use in a presentation to be given by the end of the week, well sir, digital files she shall receive. Pay no mind to the fact that i've not once tested the transparent materials adapter unit which accompanies our secondhand scanner. After all, such an advanced piece of technology surely possesses nothing but the ability to produce results. And when it doesn't, we throw the ol' camera atop the tripod and set up a contraption which looks an awful lot like this...

I don't know what fancy-pants company is presently out there doing these types of transfers for top dollar, but we're about to put those suckas under ground.