
Negotiations and love songs

Phone calls before 8 in the morning from unknown callers are often ignored. Today's resulted in a series of phone calls which may or may not culminate in a handsome check from a handsome university. Be it noted that there has been a great deal of drama over this particular deal. Here's the deal with me - If there's drama to be had, you better believe that i'm all up in drama's grill. This exciting exchange took place during day 2 of the great Mommydaddyswitcheroo Experiment. That's right, stressful negotiations, pooped trousers, and we still had time for a wagon ride to the park.

Magical moment of the day: After Baby Jane gets a bath in response to a previously mentioned trouser incident, she rests her head on Daddy's shoulder and gets all cuddly. For a good 5 minutes or more, selections from the beatles songbook were sung over her just above a whisper.

These are magic times.