
Blame it on the rain

This summer marks the seventh year we've printed tees for southminster presbyterian's summer camp at camp olivet. This also marks the beginning of the fiftieth year of CAMP OLIVET's existence. Olivet is a place that has played a sizable role in shaping the dude before you today. So, there you go; blame it on olivet. But whatever you do, don't put the blame on you. For srsly though, it's a magical place with acres of trees and creek and prehistoric moths. I fell in love many times there. The memories are as long as the bus ride.

Perhaps some of the wetness captured in this framed photo by the incomparable ZACK BENT will rub off onto this stack of hand-printed tees, resulting in a rain-saturated week at olivet. Dreams? When the rain washes you clean, you'll know...

You'll know.

Now a peek at a little something else what's been occupying our time. Good heavens, does it ever stop? Let's not expect this one too soon. After all, y'all still need to check out the first two. GET THEM HERE and i'll probably throw in some weird drawing of a llama or something.