
Foldie gold

On the first day of 2012, whilst stopping for lunch on our way back from a cabin in the woods, my brother from another mother and i began discussing an idea for a collective video project. It was a lofty dream, but one which my cohort has not given up on over the past four months. The idea was for several old pals to create 40-second vignettes using video to be strung together into one singular piece. The catch was that each subsequent participant would only receive the final few seconds of the preceding video to inform the direction of their own piece. The following is the result of the first project. It's kind of a glorious mess which makes me smile every time i watch it.

Our second project was created with less strict perimeters, but it's pretty great. Try to connect the dots and watch for baby jane's amazing portrayal of janeane the secretary.

Tell your friends.