
Nice of you to show up, snow.

Hey guys. In case you were passed out in a necco heart-induced coma and missed it, this was the scene on tuesday morning. Well, by golly, we certainly weren't going to waste this rare opportunity to make tracks through some fresh powder.

Let's be honest, the good doctor wasn't quite sure what to make of all the chilly hubbub. And who can blame him? Come on, snow! You can't just leave town for weeks without calling or writing, and expect  everything to be cool. The doctor don't play them games.

However, this chick harbors no resentment. She's all, "get over here, you freezin' mess of precipitation! We got us some catchin' up to do!" And how can you say no?

No worries, bro. Just stick close and we'll get through this together. Besides, in only a few short hours, that lovable scamp will have skipped town once again. Sigh.