
Basghetti and pom

Olivia is officially twice her birth weight! She measured 25 inches while weighing in at 12 pounds, 10 ounces at her four month checkup yesterday...

Sadly, she also had another round of immunization shots after her checkup and was quite cranky and exhausted the rest of the day.

The changing weather has been wreaking havoc upon our home, but mostly upon ye olde nasal cavaties along with all accompanying plumbing. It is for this very reason and more that i am quite pleased to be home with the jane gals all week. There is much to be done in the realm of finishing some web sitery, tshirt silk screenery and record assemblage.

Magic elixir of pomegranates and berries of blue.

Greens and reds in a festive arrangement for eating.

Spending way too much time looking at hand drawn typography, watching arrested development and making a general mess of a house we almost had cleaned up.

Here we go (in no particular order):
-screen thirty five
-brew some grounds
-eat something
-drain the noggin
-love on the janes

There it is.

p.s. anybody wanna buy a desk?

The mustard room just lost some weight.