
Fresh poop

It's an interesting thing how the desperate and relentless pursuit of something can cloud one's vision. When said object of one's desire is obtained and you watch her suck the life from your best friend, how does one respond?

Everyone has an answer.

Do you?

I continue, in spite of often inconsolable cries and fluids leaked upon carpets and blouses, to be utterly mesmerized by this tiny creature whom I have several names for. Amongst the chaos arise sweet moments of wonder. She stares into my eyes as I sing toher. The corners of her tiny mouth curl into what seem to be the makings of a smile. Then she poops. I swear to you, when I toss her over my shoulder hoping for a nice hearty burp, the smell of that tinybutt wrapped in dirty pampers does not offend. Rather I'm compelled to nuzzle her plump little belly with my nose. This would be the same nose which only minutes earlier she was trying to latch on to seeking nourishment. I'm guessing after a month on our planet, she still has quite a bit to learn regarding the human anatomy.
Or perhaps I'm the one with quite a bit to learn.
olivia sometimes tells hilarious jokes which she laughs at hysterically.
blank & translucent brandage.
new canvases abound and consequently the visual components of homemade recordings evolve.

Today's tasks:
- burn some lines (possibly not what you think)
- walk the cow (most definitely not what you think)
- mic cheque
- be amazed
- drink a cold one

Therapy where you find it.