Dudes and ladies. Sometimes if feels really good to buckle down and just build things. MJ and i started with a dream. That dream included some sort of magazine rack style bookshelves for the kids to display some of the many books in their vast collection of literature. After months of talking about it and looking at gobs of picture on the interwebs, i took the proverbial bull by the horns and wrestled to the cold, dirty ground. In other words, i saw something that i thought would work and made a plan to replicate it with my bare hands.
A few ten-foot one-by-fours and a fistful of dowel rods later we had this elegant piece of functional art lying prostrate before us. She was ready to begin life anew. And so, the Jane gals honored our new creation's humble willingness to serve by decorating her in layers of fresh primer and white paint...
Look at those ladies go.
At long last, our dream is realized!
Now our beloved hand-forged book-shelving unit hovers proudly between the still-purple north window and entry door to the kids' room. Hooray for making things. Let's do it again real soon, shall we?