
Smokestack superstar

There are those times when i'm quite honestly left truly confounded. Oh, here's one: Mama jane, myself and the kids are lazily decked out for some trick-or-treat-but-let's-be-honest-pretty-much-all-treating at the indy zoo last night. After all, we try to get as much free candy as we can during this time of year by parading our children around in a multitude of costumes. Don't judge us, you know you love candy. Anyhow, We're approaching the exit of the african plains and we've collected the last of our candy from a painfully jaded young zoo-worker; that's when we spied them. There they were, not forty feet before us: Dad carrying his toddler daughter while burning down a cig right in her face.

Now, here's where i just honestly did not know what to think. In my mind, there are a few possibilities:
  1. This dude (and probably mom who is right by his side) have traveled through time and space from some time before at least the last forty years and are completely unaware of the dangers of secondhand smoke.
  2. Dude and babymama are really, in all seriousness, superbly ignorant of the harm secondhand smoke can cause to the tiny humanoids.
  3. These "parents of the year" candidates are just horrible, horrible people.
Okay, as i think on the situation for a bit longer, i begin to wonder if maybe this nicotine-lean pops has gotten himself in cahoots with one of them fancy new electronic cigs the kids are so hip to these days. Hmmmm... The thought is enough to make me reconsider jumping to such judgmental conclusions.

If absolutely nothing else, this reminded me of an old youtube favorite as i pondered the absurd possibilities for the effected child's future. And doesn't that make it all worthwhile?