These are some things that i made. This is some stuff that we did. These are some thoughts that i had.
Brand New 4-Song EP for the Holidays!
Happy days of holly!
Before we crack
First, let me say that the ride taken down a particular road has been like driving an eighteen-wheeler up a coarse mountainside on wheels with no tires. Actually, I'm being kind. My wife and I are milling over the proper response while visiting her family for a few days. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the fact that her father has just had his right foot removed.
It all happened quite suddenly. One minute, Dad's in the hospital for an issue seemingly unrelated and the next thing we know, we're hearing about a possible toe amputation. No, wait... a partial foot amputation. No, wait... You get the idea. We all waited around for the better part of Monday to hear the diagnosis and to learn how much of the lower extremity would be lost. When Dad had us all around his bed he informed us that they would be cutting somewhere between the knee and the ankle. You could say it was a sigh of relief for those of us anticipating a worst case scenario. But how do you say goodbye to a foot?
Indieana Handicraft Exchange Mini
Friday, December 4
5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Chatham Center
901 North East Street {map}
Indianapolis, IN 46202
free lot behind venue &
on neighborhood streets
Give the gift of abduction
View their GIFTS FOR HIM post here.
Thanks Creepy Queen Magazine for finding our ABDUCTION tee one of the best gifts on Etsy to give one's man during the holidays. Cheers!
To be famous
Find the movie "The Devil and Daniel Johnston" and watch it right now. Then, listen to the WFMU broadcast of "The Live Music Faucet" found in the special features.
Hyperbolic brushes
Just another tonto
After a few years of working menial jobs, I came into the role of Youth Ministry Equipper as a wide-eyed hopeful who was ecstatic about finally being paid to do something which I was incredibly passionate about. The title "Equipper" was co-opted from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians which reads, "He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11-12 NASB). Even back then, all wet behind the ears, the title seemed to align with my own early drafts of a philosophy of ministry. The fact that this particular church seemed to buy into the idea that one flawed human should not bear the entire load of God's call to his people was refreshing. I mean it's one thing for a church to say it, but to actually believe in it enough to say, "this is the title we're giving to the folks on our staff because we want everyone to know that there are no Lone Rangers in church ministry!" That's right, we're all a bunch of Tontos.
Where do we go from here?
Don't look at me like that tom.
I suppose the waiting wouldn’t be nearly as difficult if i didn’t feel as though we were just being plain ignored.
Things will be just as they are to be…
Until then, they’ll be as they are.
Better late than dead
Behold the damage done!
Then what happened was that we drilled holes in pumpkins and ate their roasted seeds right in front of them while listening to tom wait's 'bone machine'.
These things happened next...
My mom and dad went to Destin and all they got me was this lousy sunset
One mile
"When you stop expecting people to be perfect, you can like them for who they are. And when you stop expecting material possessions to complete you, you'd be surprised at how much pleasure you get in material possessions. And when you stop expecting God to end all your troubles, you'd be surprised how much you like spending time with God."
-Donald Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life
First Blood: Baby Gap
The olde freak-out daddy instincts took over and at the first sight of blood and her teeny tiny finger was in my mouth as i carried out the door. Cool, collected mommy followed close behind to bring us all back down to planet earth to address the wound practically and properly.
Yeah, mommy!
We live to fight another day. You will not take my family from me The Gap!
Aaaayyyy! Okay?
Suddenly, it was as if everything had turned soft-focus and a razor-sharp thread stiched with one haunting question had pulled right between my eyes. My stomach turned and i heard the words as i shouted them to anyone who would answer, "Did Henry Winkler die or was that just something i dreamed?"
"I don't know," was the only response i would receive.
"I don't know?"
"I... don't... know."
Sisters doin it for themselves
Sweet sweet Candy
Pondering pumpkins
Cyber 45 #1
In the grande olde tradition of the double-sided 45 rpm record, The Mustard Room will be making available unreleased songs from the joel rockey songbook via digital download. Each zip file will include two sonic nuggets in the mp3 format along with a full color digital label and information about each song.
Oranje Moon
Next stop: oven mitts
Future artifacts
Demo Vault - These Four Walls
New places?
Craftie hands
The autumn is all upons and with her comes the fall indieana handicraft exchange. I am absolutely thrilled to have been chosen to be one the vendors this year. I will be sharing a booth with my fellow artisan and longtime buddy, Rachel Hill Moorman of vintage songbird fame. Hop on over to her blog for some sample imagery. We will be vending my screen-printed apparel along with her vintage fabric assemblages. We have even collaborated on a few pieces together. We hope to see you there.
*featuring: 70+ vendors*contemporary handmade clothing, jewelry, homewares, bath and body goodies, toys and more*raffle prizes*live music and the Naptown Roller Girls!
Out of retirement
Forever changes
Demo Vault - East of Eden
Pipe dreams
-beatle mania '09
-supporting local
-losing neighbors
-licensed to grill
-dreaming of scarfs
This is ridiculous. I'm supposed to be sleeping not blogging unconsciously while casually viewing 'married: with children.'
Good night.
Grand daddies
Act now while supplies last
Available now
All this and more grown by the folks at southminster presbyterian church and available every saturday morning from 9 am to 1 pm at 9950 southeastern avenue, indianapolis, indiana 46239.
Cakes and cake
We really dig our friends at winchester village elementary in perry township. They've given us an awful lot. Most recently, we were...
"The Triplets on Their Fifth Birthday" by Baby Jane (ink and crayon) Many many many years ago, i set out to make some sor...
This one is a portrait of daddy riding a bicycle, although it appears to be a tricycle and/or a mickey mouse head and/or partial drum kit...