Well, it's fair to say that last night was one of those nights when emotions ran pretty high. After a couple of good nights, the clan decided to spend much of the night exercising our lungs. Nothing that a protein-rich breakfast of chicken embryos and english new-wave band squeeze can't cure. However, it does all lead me to wonder why our little peanut-shaped visitor chooses certain nights over others to deprive us of sleep.
Perhaps it's the comment I made just before bedtime about her soiled di
aper pail smelling like pretzels.
Regardless, the day began rather pleasantly with plenty of good feeding, sleeping and the occasional consolable crying. After a bit of silk screen preparation, we even paid a visit to our friends at greenwood's finest chinese dining experience, eggroll #1, for some takeout which we took to the park for a chinese family picnic.

...and ever and ever and ever! An obvious shout out to 'sailing' songsmith christopher cross forever immortalized on a picnic tabletop in greenwood, indiana. I'm starting a petition to have this recognized as a national monument. You can sign here X__________. I'll copy and paste as i recieve your signatures.

hunting and gathering.
Speaking of, today's tasks shall be as follows:
-consume more coffee
-run some tees through the ringer
-ice the proverbial cake
-speak of the pompitous of love
-keep a safe distance from pretzels
At ease.