We've spent more and more time with my grandmother and grandfather over these past couple of years as my grandfather's alzheimer's has progressed further and further along. It's been very difficult knowing that he really didn't know who i was that last year or two, but that didn't stop us from enjoying a great deal of conversation. Granted, he did most of the talking. He seemed to love the fact that i would sit and listen and engage him as he carried on. I wish i would have shared more time with him when actual conversation would have been possible. I wish we could have shared in spontaneous jam sessions - he on the hawaiian slide and me on the ukulele. I wish my grandmother still had her companion. I miss my grandfather. Yet however far gone he may have been in the latter months of his life, i've cherished the times we spent together. He made us cry and he made us laugh. His smile lit up a room. He was fond of my grandmother and smitten by her warmth and kindness. He was deeply in love with her even when nothing else around him was familiar. He was my mother's father.He was my grampa Glenn.
See ya later grampa.