The songs of these films are an important piece of this tapestry of nostalgia. Though often horribly trite, these songs are enjoyed endlessly by those who recall their visual counterparts from these moments in cinematic mediocrity. They have become a shared piece of history among those who have found themselves on the edge of their seat and fighting back tears as they root for Daniel LaRusso, Rocky Balboa and Scott Howard for the thirty-second time as if it were the first. Here's to the underdog!
Many of these songs have spawned a music sharing club affectionately referred to as "If Awesome Were a Compact Disc" among my Starbucks brethren. We have found a commonality beyond the coffee bean which employs us in the music of our past. It has come to serve as a shared thread linking us to one anothers' histories. And to think, it all started with a bean. The coffee bean, you may ponder? Perhaps. Or was it rather Joe 'Bean' Esposito?