While chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool with the girls outside the Dairy Queen, Elisa shared a story with us about a trip that the school her sister teaches at took to the aquarium in Chicago. When the class was through with their visit and boarded the bus to return to school, several students began giggling at a young teenage boy with autism as his ever-present backpack began sloshing back and forth. Upon hearing the commotion from the back of the bus, one of the teachers apprehended the backpack to investigate. What do you suppose this teacher found in the boys backpack? Nothing but a small penguin. I don't know what I was expecting to be in that backpack, but I'll tell you a penguin wasn't even in my top five guesses. All I can say is 'bravo!' I've never heard of a young boy with autism kidnapping a penguin from an aquarium before. Maybe I just don't get out much. Anyways, it just goes to show that people are mad about penguins. I suspect that the young lad was trying to rescue the tiny penguin in hopes that he might return to his arctic homeland and lead his brethren in a dance what might restore peace and harmony to the planet earth.
Speaking of penguins, I saw this parody of Dora the Explorer on Saturday Night Live again on Saturday evening. If you've ever been subjected to numerous episodes of Miss Dora, you'll no doubt find this cartoon as hilarious as my wife and I did.