

Foldie gold

On the first day of 2012, whilst stopping for lunch on our way back from a cabin in the woods, my brother from another mother and i began discussing an idea for a collective video project. It was a lofty dream, but one which my cohort has not given up on over the past four months. The idea was for several old pals to create 40-second vignettes using video to be strung together into one singular piece. The catch was that each subsequent participant would only receive the final few seconds of the preceding video to inform the direction of their own piece. The following is the result of the first project. It's kind of a glorious mess which makes me smile every time i watch it.

Our second project was created with less strict perimeters, but it's pretty great. Try to connect the dots and watch for baby jane's amazing portrayal of janeane the secretary.

Tell your friends.


Paper towel time lapse

Mama jane and i spent many a past few day destroying our ugly green countertop - which we've tolerated for far too long - and resurfacing it to better suit our taste. Twas certainly one of the more daring home improvement efforts we've undertaken since we acquired this joint.

Sunday night, we sanded the crap out of the countertops whilst the wee ones slept.

Monday night, we painted the countertops and suffocated them with decorative flecks. After a handful of hours, we woke from a brief slumber and did quite a bit more sanding. Smooth.

Tuesday night, after some chicken and cheese cake with our neighborhood bros, we iced our handiwork with a glossy finish. Boom.

Now, if you think you might like to resurface YOUR countertops, do yourself a favor and just buy some new ones. Peace out.


Gain a cow, lose a window

We brought a cow home with us for the week. Things were going so well until he decided to throw a rave in our bedroom closet. 


Mixtape day

I want to make more of these little dudes and just leave them around a town near you: between books at the library, inside mailboxes, in dressing rooms at walmart, between the unkempt cushions of a thrift store sofa, etcetera. If you would like to be a part of this guerilla affair, please help me track down a working tape deck. Mine's gone troppo, y'all. Or you could just make your own tapes and follow suit. Ready, set, go.


Good knight story

Today, baby jane and i played school. She was the teacher. My assignment was to make a book about a knight, etc. She decided that she should help color my illustrations. Here they are.

Once there was a knight. He had a good heart. In fact, his heart was so good that he felt he should let everyone know about it by bearing the image of a heart upon his shield and armor. The idea didn't really work the way he hoped it would, particularly when trying to intimidate evil, fire-breathing dragons.

Speaking of evil, fire-breathing dragons, this dude thought he might help himself to the companionship of the most stunning magenta-faced gal in the kingdom. That gal just so happened to be the only daughter of the noble king.

Against all odds, the brave knight defeated the evil dragon in an battle of wits. The princess was rescued from the beast's clutches as the knight carried her back to her father's castle to ask for her hand in marriage.

The noble king gave his blessing to the marriage, and he threw a most excellent party in their honour.

The end.



Home work

The past couple of days have included hours of illustration work for the next episode of giddy up. Henceforth, these images are finding their way into baby jane's artwork...



Do you ever do things and then go, "huh"? Yeah, so do i. Perhaps this will accompany an album of lo-fi bowie covers some day. Let's not hold our breath though. Welp, enjoy anyhow.


This many

An aural supplement, episode 18

Running Time: 1:01:23 | File Size: 84 MB
Download: .mp3
To subscribe to this podcast: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ARockeyHomeCompanion 

It's been a mighty long time. Laveta's been m.i.a. since two seasons ago, but we salvaged this lost episode from the archives. To get quite specific, baby brother Sammy Davis, Junior stops by to wax nostalgic with that golden-voiced scamp. There's no bad blood here as they exchange mysterious whispers in between mommy-talk and electric band squawk. By the by, if you see the ole man on the moon, look up his number (you know the name).

1. Band of Horses "The General Specific"
2. The Kinks "All of My Friends Were There"
3. Wild Flag "Electric Band"
4. Bob Dylan "Tough Mama"
5. Damien Jurado "Nothing is the News"
6. They Might Be Giants "Mysterious Whisper"
7. The Lively Ones "Surf Rider"
8. The Beatles "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)"
9. The Monkees "Daddy's Song"
10. Love "The Daily Planet"
11. Wovenhand "Glass Eye"
12. Sarah Harmer "Weakened State"
13. Cat Stevens "Changes IV"
14. Great Lake Swimmers "See You on the Moon"
15. The Who "I'm Free"
16. Supergrass "Bad Blood"
17. Bruce Springsteen "Shackled and Drawn"


He has risen

Rejoice! This dude knows how to celebrate, but he's a bit too bombastic concerning his mastery of the stringless guitar for my taste.

It's alright, my man; bring the noise! He has risen, indeed!


Summer house

A week and some change ago, mama jane and myself swiped a free house that had been kicked to the curb right around the corner from the olde homestead. As one might imagine, baby jane was more than pleased with the quaint plastic cottage.

The good doctor is still getting used to it. He may be having a difficult time transitioning to a floor of grass and dandelions. Lighten up, my man; you'll appreciate the shaded refuge when summer hits.


Silent jamz


Some few years ago, i had the brilliant idea of creating a stop-motion animation video for a little ditty titled skyscraper; maybe you've heard it. Nothing ever came of such a thing, but check out these sweet gif animations salvaged from the footage.


Pajama jam


Mind-blowing, aye?

Listen up...


Getting it together

We picked up some window blinds from the megamart along with some new shoes and broom to replace one that was lost in a battle against a giant mutant bumblebee. This is the kind of action seen around the olde homestead these days. After MJ and i took a gander at those radiant blinds, we thought we might return them in favor of a more cost effective version. I spent the better part of the rest of the morning unsuccessfully attempting to return the blinds to their original box.

We moved on to the kitchen and created a peanut butter jar filled with assorted screws, bolts, nuts, and washers. He seemed lonely so we made him a tiny baby food jar companion filled with nails. They're a mighty cute pair. We think we'll be keeping them around a while.

Whilst baby jane was down the street on a play date, the good doctor enjoyed the solitude by picking dandies in the front lawn.

Serenity now.

She ain't having it