
An aural supplement, episode 17

Running Time: 53:17 | File Size: 61 MB
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Just when you thought things couldn't get more irritating, the Laveta welcomes Ty Anaya, an old rival from his days at universidad, to bury another hatchet. Get ready to lose your teeth and scream, because that hardly-loveable scamp has missed you all and can't wait to tell you to get lost.

1. Gordon Gano & Frank Black "Run"
2. "Official Announcement"
3. Pixies "I Bleed"
4. Ralph Nielsen & The Chancellors "Scream"
5. Pink Floyd "In the Flesh?"
6. Tom Waits "Get Lost"
7. "The Vault of Horror"
8. Foster the People "Miss You"
9. "I Was a Teenage Werewolf"
10. Half-handed Cloud "Once, Twice, Three Times a Werewolf"
11. Daniel Johnston "Since I Lost My Tooth"
12. Richard Swift "Broken Finger Blues"
13. R.E.M. "Crush with Eyeliner"
14. Ryan Adams "I See Monsters"
15. Howlin' Wolf "Evil"
16. Elvis Costello & The Attractions "Go Away"  

What a ride

Thank you, saint louis cardinals, for one of the greatest series performances evah. Now we can start getting our kids to sleep at a more reasonable hour again like responsible parents.


Ship ahoy

Now, anyone who knows my wife and i knows that we don't spend a great deal of time in front of the television watching sports. Chicks sticking screwdrivers in zombies faces? Sure. Meth cooks beating the ever-loving crap out of each other? Absolutely! Oh sure, i'll cheer on indianapolis during the super bowl like a diehard fan. Why, i'll even spend a couple hours with my bro at conseco fieldhouse cheering on the pacers. However, when it comes to the st. louis cardinals, we're talking about something very different.

Last night during the epic homerun derby/bullpen battle that was game six of the 2011 national league championship, mama jane confessed her enjoyment of watching baseball. We've spent the past week together with our 3-year-old daughter and 6-month-old son cheering the cards on to victory over the milwaukee brewers.

Now we have at least four more late nights to look forward to as they head to the series yet again.



Swinging for the fence

Thanks to the inspiration provided by our pal, juli from cordinated, this dude will tell them how it is.

We make signage suitable for framing. Also, we sell tee shirts, just so you know, in case that wasn't clear.

Dr. Grabbyhands is moving up to the bigs as he makes the jump from the mommy juice right to gumming giant crispy bites of apple.

Baby jane has been acquainting herself with the game of baseball as we stay up late watching the Cards pound milwaukee into the ground to practice for the series against texas. Are we being too presumptuous?


The obligatory pumpkin patch post

We never know what to expect during the annual patch outing. Sometimes the weather cooperates and sometimes we wish that it would. This year, the sun joined us for Dr. Sebresian's first trip to the apple works. In case you're not up to snuff on your Rockey family glossary terms, Dr. Sebresian is just one of the handles that Nolan James goes by. That's right the sun was shining, the pumpkins were plenty, and we only suffered a handful of meltdowns. See those pumpkins lying behind Baby Jane? Those were the two she picked out for her and her brother, the good doctor. That shot was snapped immediately following her decision to no longer carry the load. 

Moments later... tears. 

I'm still not exactly sure why.

Check out this dude gettin' his chill on. If anyone knows an alpaca who needs a place to crash, you can totally throw my digits his way.

The doctor and i had to talk this guy down. We promised him that we wouldn't feed him gravel like all the others. Come on folks, show these dudes some sympathy. They don't possess the discernment which so many of you take for granted.

It's alright, goat. The doctor and i are here for you.

Look who's pleased with himself after another day's work.

That's a satisfied customer.

Now go out and grab yourself a gourd, cut its guts out and toast yourself some seeds!