
Birthday wishes from the goose

Woops. Where has the time gone? We'll be selling some new and olde stuffs alongside our dear friend, Ms. Wendy, at the Harrison Center for the Arts next friday, october 7th. The event happens between 5pm and 10pm. Come check out all the rad vendors and meet new friends to share life with. You may slide on over to the IHE website for further details. 

Ready, set, go.

If you missed the preceding linkage, click this one.

In other news,

Hooray for wood. More of these guys will be making an appearance in future times. Although it's tricky finding time between catching up with Pawn Stars and doing crap like this...

To be continued...


Holla at yer bros

Get your holla for fifteen dolla. Choose your colour and we'll make it happen. Give a shout out to holla(at)themustardroom(dot)com to get the proverbial ball rolling, y'all.

Any guesses?

Nope. Try again.

Ooooooh! So close.

It's obviously a depiction of bunnies in the forest. And there's Yoda.

At least that's what the artist tells me.

Wished our dear friend K-baz fond bon voyage from the olde homestead as she prepped to travel the world once again. We spent an evening catching up with seasoned pals and acquainting ourselves with new ones. Check out our friend Zih chilling with Dr. Sugarman as Biak tries to pretend that he doesn't mind having to share. By the by, keep yourself up to snuff with what's going on with all these aforementioned folks involvement in the INDYrefugee project at indyrefugee.com

All right? 

Moving on...

This lil chick 'n' tiny dude are bros for life. 


Labor intensive

While other folks were busy taking a day off, we got busy getting it done. I'd like to say that we were responsible for the meticulously disassembled acorns, but that would be an obscene exaggeration of the truth. We met a group of young Chin girls at the park who deserve all the credit.

Lawn snuggling at the park is best when it's below eighty degrees.

In between taking walks to the park, sorting clothes, eating eggs, drinking coffee, balancing budgets, and sneezing our brains out, we managed to work some more on this song:

Now go open all your windows and sneeze your brains out.