Rare is the case when i do not find stop-motion animation endearing. It is quite simply magic. Magic is great. You know what else is great? Yup, penguins. Imagine my sheer delight when we stumbled upon
Pingu, the clay animation import from switzerland, while browsing
netflix instant viewing options. Olivia has never sat mesmerized by anything on a screen for that long without being distracted or bored. After six consecutive 5-minute episodes our family has become borderline obsessed with the antics of this adolescent penguin who, along with his family and friends, speak a gibberish penguin dialect not unlike that of our friends at comedy sportz.
Upon further research i discovered even more fascinating information regarding this apparently controversial series which was produced by the pygos group. According to that expounder of great knowledge, wikipedia:
A few episodes of the show were removed from rotation or edited due to perceived offensive material. One episode was Pingu's Lavatory Story, which contained graphic depictions of uncensored urination and alcoholic references. Pygos was unable to censor the urine, leading to the banning of the episode in 1990, the year it was produced.
I know, right? And if that isn't enough to make you quit your job and get on the Pingu bus, check out was else this darling little animated powerhouse delivered us...
Before you say anything else, you're welcome.