
Aim to determine

The mustard room is honored to have been chosen by good friend and colleague erin swanson as the subject of her first story featured on examiner.com.

Y'all can dig the story
right here.


Behold the mighty wrinkle

Hot off the press and fit to be pressed. One more round for our old friend mr. lemons.

The janes bust out a fresh invoice for the occasion.

Next on the docket, this guy...


A cute schizophrenia paranoia

Apparently, creepy is the new cute.Thanks again to the always reliable aunt patti.


One more reason to throw up

Fast food signage from the passenger side, part 1

what a treat"


Fast food signage from the passenger side, part 2

"burger shots"

after throwing up a little bit...
me - 'What the hell is a burger shot?
the mrs - 'A little burger? In a cup?

This dude just got a little creepier.


Hell yeah

Raise a glass to our friends dave and melissa who are couple weeks away from welcoming their second child to the world and have just shed over $42,ooo worth of debt in twelve months.

Debt free.

Do it.